Welcome to the Sexual Violence Support and Experiences Study (SVSES)
CAC Card

  • This is your chance to be heard on issues that directly affect you.
  • Results from the Department's survey will be used by DoD to develop policies that will support you, your fellow military members, your families, and your DoD civilian counterparts.
  • Your responses to the Department’s survey make a difference.

  • The survey is private to the extent allowed by law.
  • All data will be reported in the aggregate and no individual data will be reported.
  • We encourage you to safeguard your Ticket Number to prevent unauthorized access to your survey. In addition, to ensure your privacy, be aware of the environment in which you take the survey (e.g., take the survey when no one else is home, do not leave the survey unattended).

  • If you would like to verify the survey's legitimacy, please call 1-571-372-1034 or DSN 372-1034 for a list of currently licensed OPA surveys. In accordance with DoD Instruction 8910.01, all multi-component data collection in the Department must be licensed and display that license as a Report Control Symbol (RCS) or an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number and an expiration date. The license will be visible on the survey.